How to add the widget to your website

First of all you need to place next script before closing body tag

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Then you can use next webcomponent on your page anywhere you want to display the widget

<dl-pawn nft-address="EQAiDwFpFHg3zVt8uL8y4tL5weQ8x80S_IUbPnyn-9QSGoVR"></dl-pawn>

Widget configuration

There is list of available properties the widget work with:

nft-address(string | required)
- NFT address that can be used as collateral to get pawn

wallet-address(string | optional)
- Users wallet address, you can pass it to let the widget do some additional checks

language(string | optional)
- Language the widget will be initiated with, possible values
'en' | 'ru' | 'cn' | 'fa' | 'es'


You can use any CSS styles you wish with next CSS selector

dl-pawn::part(button) {
  background: red;
  color: green;
